Tag Archives: Livestock

How to Make Money with Livestock

Few can afford the luxury of farming simply for the joy of it, at the end of the day it is important to make money in your business so that you can invest for further growth and prosperity. Investing in livestock should be approached methodically, with due consideration for the factors that will affect profitability. It can be difficult to exchange the farmer’s hat with their traditional instinctive relationship with their land and animals for the hat of the business manager, making decisions based on lifecycle costs and expected returns, but fundamentally there are five key points to consider when growing dairy herds for sale and profit.

Which species?

There is a large market for beef worldwide, and cattle are relatively low-maintenance livestock. Demand for milk, cheese and beef is growing in many markets. Cattle require more space and feed as well as larger living quarters than most other livestock options. However, they can also produce the most profit. In an environment with space and pasture, cattle are the leading choice.

What are the essential requirements?

The essentials for growing livestock are shelter, water, pasture, hay and feed. Consideration of all of these factors will ensure your best chance at getting a good price for your animals.

In terms of shelter, livestock should be protected from extremes of either heat or cold to reduce the risk to their wellbeing. Some breeds are more suited to a particular climates and it is worth considering what the best choice for your particular situation is. Cattle require continuous access to clean drinking water. Pasture generally provides a balanced diet though supplements may be required during periods of deficit. In times of low pasture growth, supplemental feed in the form of hay or alternative crops is required.

What other expenses need to be factored in?

Farmers are very much at the mercy of nature. The only way to combat these risks is preparation. You will need to be aware of the weather forecast and how it is likely to impact on your stock and their need for shelter, food and water. The other major expense that needs to be prepared for is veterinary care especially when breeding dairy herds for sale.

How do I get started?

Workout the livestock units of your land. This will give you a starting point for how many animals you can cater for. The safest method to get stock is by using a stock agent. Stock agents specialise in the buying and selling of cattle, they also provide guidance on breeds and market trends. In the current climate, consumers are very concerned with the tracibility of the food supply, and using a reputable livestock agent is a good way to ensure records are kept with regards to stock movements and they can assist when it’s time to sell your dairy herd.

Kelly Livestock is the largest independently owned livestock Company in the Taranaki Region. If you are looking for cattle, dairy cows / herds for sale take a look at livestock for sale online here : www.cows4sale.co.nz